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Three Investments for a Happy Retirement

When planning for retirement, there are three important investments I believe you can make to have happy retirement—and they may not be on your list yet. Money. This investment probably is on […]

When Should You Revisit Your Estate Plan?

So you’ve got a solid estate plan—why fool with it? Because, for many investors, “set it and forget it” is not good estate planning advice. Your life (or your heirs’ […]

“It’s the Government, Stupid”

When Bill Clinton ran for president, his internal campaign slogan was, “It’s the economy, stupid,” which meant that the economy was the big issue, the one that drove all others. […]

Ready for Retirement?

Retirement can be a surprisingly stressful time. According to t, several of the top ten life stressors tend to occur in our older years, including: the death of a spouse, […]

Revocable Vs. Irrevocable Trusts

When creating a trust, there are two basic ways to go: the revocable or the irrevocable trust.  What’s the difference? To begin with, “revocable” means “capable of being revoked” or […]

High Rising Bull Markets and How They Ended

Right now, we are experiencing the second longest running (and the third highest-rising) bull market in history according to Bloomberg. I find this very interesting, so I decided to look […]

Equifax Breach – How to Protect Yourself

As you probably heard, Equifax had a data breach and 143 million American’s identities are potentially at risk. It’s a good idea to find out if you have been affected, […]

Naming A Trustee for Your Estate

A client recently came to me with an interesting dilemma. He said, “Our daughter is not very responsible with money. She’s a spendthrift. If we give our estate to her, […]

Should You Wait To Collect SS

I do not typically recommend you wait until 70 to take Social Security. I’ve heard people say you should, that your benefits will accumulate and you’ll get a higher payout […]