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So, You Think There’s A Chance?!? Transcript Hello, and welcome to our market alert video for today, which is December 2, 2022. And I’ve entitled this one, “So you think there’s a chance?” And the […]

Could 2022 Bring The next Great Depression? Video Transcript Hello, and welcome to our weekly Market Alert video for the week ending December 30, 2021—our last video of the year! I want to wish everybody a fantastic […]

Is This the Beginning of a Bear Crash? Video Transcript Hello, this is our weekly Market Alert video for the week ending Friday, September 24, 2021, and boy howdy was last week a roller coaster ride extraordinaire! Hopefully you were able to watch […]

Is There No Alternative? Video Transcript This is our weekly market alert video for the week ended Friday the 13th. Ah, and this week, we are going to talk a little bit, not so […]

2019.05.13 Video Email Transcript: Well, this is one of those situations where I don’t like making videos that are off schedule because normally what they mean is that something that is not very […]