What Is an Irrevocable Trust? (Hint: It’s Not as Bad as It Sounds)
I was recently discussing trusts and their place in estate planning when I was asked, “What is an irrevocable trust? Does that mean it can never be changed?” “That’s correct,” […]
Understanding Different Life Insurance Types
Different life insurance types have different issues—and some of them could blow up in your face. As part of RPOA’s comprehensive financial planning approach, we review our clients’ life insurance […]
A Correction Around the Corner?
I’ve been in the financial planning world for close to 30 years now, and during that time, I’ve seen rapid market growth sometimes lead to a correction, which is generally […]
Get the Maximum Social Security Benefit by Calculating Your Break-Even Age
If I were to list my clients’ biggest questions, I’d say Social Security timing tops the list. It makes sense that people would want to know how long they should […]
Fox Business Network: Are Tech Stocks on Sale?
Senior Retirement Planner Ken Moraif discusses if individuals should be investing in the tech sector Read the full article here: https://video.foxbusiness.com/v/6237530837001#sp=show-clips
IRA Beneficiary Rules & Options
If you’ve recently inherited an IRA, you may find the beneficiary rules are pretty complex. They differ depending upon your relationship with the former owner of the IRA. They are […]
Can You Suspend Social Security?
The answer to the question above is simple: Yes, you can suspend Social Security benefits. But should you? And how does it work? The answers to those questions are much […]
Understanding Different Life Insurance Types
Different life insurance types have different issues—and some of them could blow up in your face. As part of RPOA’s comprehensive financial planning approach, we review our clients’ life insurance […]
U.S. News & World Report: How to Maximize Social Security With Spousal Benefits
Senior Retirement Planner Ken Moraif discusses how to maximize your Social Security benefits with spousal benefits Read the full article here: https://money.usnews.com/money/retirement/social-security/articles/how-to-maximize-social-security-with-spousal-benefits
A Correction Around the Corner?
I’ve been in the financial planning world for close to 30 years now, and during that time, I’ve seen rapid market growth sometimes lead to a correction, which is generally […]
Get the Maximum Social Security Benefit by Calculating Your Break-Even Age
If I were to list my clients’ biggest questions, I’d say Social Security timing tops the list. It makes sense that people would want to know how long they should […]
An Economy on Steroids
Barron’s recently interviewed me about my projections for the S&P 500® Index and the market for 2021. They asked what I thought the stock market would do next year—my “Fearless […]