Why ETFs are a wise choice in a bear market
By: Jim Ward, Chief Investment Officer for Retirement Planners of America With stock markets in turmoil, many investors are currently swimming in choppy waters and are trying to find the […]
Pre-COVID-19 Retirees Are Returning To Work After Inflation Hits Them Hard
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more retirees are returning to the workplace. Do we know why? Some of the possibilities are the rise in inflation, stock market […]
Email Market Alert Video

Could 2022 Bring The next Great Depression? Video

https://youtu.be/4Noj0o5lBHA Transcript Hello, and welcome to our weekly Market Alert video for the week ending December 30, 2021—our last video of the year! I want to wish everybody a fantastic […]
Is This the Beginning of a Bear Crash? Video

https://youtu.be/t_u1WnneiVE Transcript Hello, this is our weekly Market Alert video for the week ending Friday, September 24, 2021, and boy howdy was last week a roller coaster ride extraordinaire! Hopefully you were able to watch […]
Is There No Alternative? Video

https://youtu.be/n_bbM4lML7E Transcript This is our weekly market alert video for the week ended Friday the 13th. Ah, and this week, we are going to talk a little bit, not so […]
Kiplinger: Myth: Life Insurance is NOT Taxable
Senior Retirement Planner Ken Moraif on why you may want to consider an irrevocablelife insurance trust Read the full article here: https://www.kiplinger.com/article/insurance/t034-c032-s014-myth-life-insurance-is-not-taxable.html
TD Ameritrade Network: “There Are Some Dark Clouds On the Horizon”
Senior Retirement Planner Ken Moriaf says Supply and Demand imbalances are creating an environment of inflation Read the full article here: https://tdameritradenetwork.com/video/rB4A-Hn7HTeBefuIX_wAHw
Yahoo! Finance: S&P 500, Dow hit records after jobs report
Senior Retirement Planner Ken Moraif discusses the Dow reaching record numbers Read the full article here: https://finance.yahoo.com/video/other-covid-variant-very-little-164247038.html
How Does Rebalancing Your Portfolio Help Your Retirement Money Last?
You’ve probably heard that rebalancing your portfolio is a good practice, but do you know why you should do it? It’s actually a strategy to help to control risk—and one I believe […]
Want to Retire Outside the US? Follow this Important Tip.
There are several reasons you might want to retire outside the US. Maybe you’d like to take advantage of a lower cost of living. Maybe you’d like to try a […]
When to Take Social Security: Spousal Benefits and Retroactive Payments
Knowing when to take Social Security (SS) can be tricky, which is why I answer questions about Social Security every week on my radio show Money Matters. Recently a listener had […]