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Is AI Taking Over Wall Street? Hello, and welcome to our Market Alert video for today, which is February 23 2024. So it’s 23 24. Thank you for watching. I hope you are well. We […]

Is It Hot Or Is It Cold? Hello, and welcome to our Market Alert video for today, which is February 16, 2024. And Happy Valentine’s Day, belatedly to all of you lovebirds out there. Going to […]

You Mean I Could Live To Be 100? Hello, and welcome to our Market Alert video for today, which is Friday, February 9 2024. And forgive the virtual background with the blurring and all that it’s because […]

We Said It, The Fed Said It, Now Do You Believe It? Hello, and welcome to our Market Alert video for today, which is February 2, 2024. January is over already, my gosh, time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? […]

Interest Rates Could Start Coming Down Soon Hello and welcome to our Market Alert video for today which is January 26 2024. And a couple of things here you may be wondering what the I M […]

The Great Rotation Hello, and welcome to our Market Alert video for today, which is January 19 2024. I hope this video finds you healthy, wealthy and wise and warm. The cold […]